Thursday 10 December 17:00-18:00
Physical audio spaces and voice things
The voice hype might have faded, but interacting through audio continues to evolve. Amazon, Google, Samsung and Apple assistants are not mere voice-driven search machines, they continue to improve their voice models for interacting with devices, others and your surroundings.
All large tech firms have their own wearable assistants in the form of wireless headphones, often with a level of comfort that makes the wearer forget they are wearing them, even when you’re not consuming media or are in a conversation. Apple already started to coin the term computational audio starting with the transparency mode on the AirPod Pros, much like computational photography now is a thing.
In this session we are inviting you to take a walk outside and listen to a live interview with some designers and thinkers of the audio shaped spaces. Of course we will make it possible to take part in the conversation.
Sam Warnaars will be the host of this special audio walk. Sam is one of the founders of Open Voice Netherlands, host of The Voicecast podcast and chaired the voice taskforce of the DDMA till recently.
Sam with talk to
- Tijmen Schep, a critical designer that paid special attention to the design for privacy aspects of voice controlled systems in his Candle project.
- Dr. Elif Ozcan Vieira, associate professor at Delft University of Technology, at the TU Delft Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, where she teaches and does research on `form and experience-driven’ and `sound-driven’ design. Like the research on the Critical Alarms Lab.
- Sophie Kleber, head of spaces UX at Google, utilizing user insights, people analytics, and ambient computing and spacial technology to create Google’s working environment of the future.
Join us in Spaces!
We will be using the app Space that runs both on iOS and Android. You can install it in advance or just before the session. You find the link in the schedule in the participants section.