AMA session

Nadya Peek

Friday 11 December; 17:05-17:50 CET

Nadya Peek is an assistant professor in the department of Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE) where she directs the Machine Agency. Her work focuses on unconventional digital fabrication tools, small scale automation, networked control systems, and advanced manufacturing. Spanning electronics, firmware, software, and mechanics, her research focuses on harnessing the precision of machines for the creativity of individuals.

In 2020, Peek was named to the MIT Technology Review’s Innovators Under 35.

Before joining the HCDE faculty in February 2018, Peek was a postdoctoral research scientist at the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms. She is VP of the Open Source Hardware Association, half of the design studio James and the Giant Peek, and plays drum machines and synths in the band Construction.