
We are planning for a week-long event, each day having its specific focus. You can join us for one or more days, or even just for one session. To keep a sense of togetherness, there will be a communal space set up at the end of every day for reflecting, wrapping up and socialising.

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Find the full description of the different days below:

Make & remix

Monday will be full day of shared making, sharing and having fun from the comfort of your home (studio). During the morning you will learn hands on how to make an already amazing thing in one of 3 guided workshops. The rest of the day we invite you to remix your creation and share the process and the results.

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Tuesday will be our education day. With masterclasses for students, an exhibition of student work, and a place for teachers to discuss learning. Ending with a party. a special program for students with masterclasses, an expo, and the student award pitches.

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Wednes / Thursday

Wednesday and Thursday will have themed workshops centered around different topics (city, mobility, role of design) as well as a couple of studio tours during which creative IoT agencies designing all over the world open their virutal doors.

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Ask me anything

Friday will host AMA sessions with several great speakers, and we’ll be unveiling this year’s ThingsCon Responsible IOT (RIOT) report.

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